Well, the night spent in the building site turned out to be the best night`s sleep we had in Florianopolis! Unfortunately the sash window didn`t have anything to secure it other than Nìkky`s flip-flop, which gave way, causing the window to come crashing down...ontop of Nikky`s thumb! I`m sure you must have heard the scream from Europe! The rest of the hostel certainly did at 6am! Poor Nikky now has a black thumbnail and a thumb thats an even stranger shape than it was before!
We arrived in Salvador and were greeted by a free Caipirinha (our new favourite drink!) and a BBQ in the guesthouse. Perfect! We really love Salvador. It seems to have a lot more spirit than any of the other places we`ve been so far.
We went into the old town today and, following the advice of Russel (our friendly english guesthouse owner), removed all jewellery, watches, wallets and cameras before going there. This is beacuse the city has a huge drug problem and the junkies all live on the edges of the old town. Hence no photos on this post (we took a disposable camera, so will have to develop the pictures the old fashioned way). A little nervous at first, we gingerly stepped onto a bus. It was total mayem on the way! People everywhere, selling anything you can imagine on the streets! But we soon got used to the way of things, especially the beggars who kept trying to steal our Cokes!
The town was stunning. Full of old squares with colourful old colonial churches, people doing Capoeira on the streets and the sound of drums drifiting through the cobble-stone streets! We also had the tastiest meal yet in the whole of Brazil! It was a seafood stew, with prawns and coconut milk called Mucequa. Tasty! So far all the food here has been bland, but I guess the African influence up here has not just brought spirit and drumming, but spices too!
We are off to an island called Boipeba tomorrow morning. It`s very isolated and hard to get to. We have to take 2 boats, a bus, a taxi and a tractor (!!) to get there! Once we are there we will have our own bungalow right on the beach...or so the website says! We will come back to Salvador before we fly back to Rio, so if we don`t have an internet connection on the island you`ll just have to wait!
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7 Responses to “Salvador”
sounds amazing once again. Pats mums b and b is online check it out: http://www.baanchaonai.com/
missing you both,
cat xxxx
How is your thumb, Nikky?
Hope you got to your island alright. It was nice to hear your voice last night. xx mama
Hey Nikky and Jan. Looks like your having an amazing time...not jealous at all. Keep enjoying it!
lieve allebei,ik dacht al wat te horen ha!ha! ah, arme dochter van me,dat moet heel pijnlijk zijn geweest. Hoop dat het nu wat beter is. Eiland klinkt ook leuk,wonen op het strand....te gek.Geniet er allebei van.Liefs maxxxx Jan schrijft trouwens zo goed, dat ik het allemaal voor me kan zien.xxx
Ahh arme nik, jij moet pijn hebben gehad!! Dat doet echt zeer zo je nagel klemmen.. Hopelijk heb je er niet al teveel last van! Derest van de verhalen zijn echt jaloersmakend gewoon! Zoals je moeder al zei, Jan schrijft zo goed dat wanneer je de verhalen leest je het allemaal gewoon voor je ziet! Echt geweldig wat jullie allemaal meemaken, helemaal top! Lekker genieten nu met jullie huisje op het strand, pfff haha zit hier helemaal weg te dromen op mijn werk... Dikke kus xxx Lin
Zijn allemaal in Rockanje en hebben de fotos gezien . Geweldig
Groetjes van de familie
Lieve trekkers,Bedankt voor de mooie foto's en leuke berichten.We vinden het fijn dat jullie zo genieten.Met heel veel proberen lukt het ons wel eens jullie schrijven door de computer te vertalen. We gaan gestaag door tot we het goed onder de knie hebben.
Hoe gaat het met de zere duim hopelijk heb je er geen last van.Verder de hartelijke groeten en nog vele mooie dagen. Oma en Opa uit Veere.
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